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  • Graduate Programs
  • M.A. in Environmental Sustainability & Management
  • M.A. in Environmental Sustainability & Management

    环境不公、物种灭绝、气候变化和资源枯竭 are all increasing concerns for humanity.  环境可持续性硕士学位 & 管理学使你能够利用科学、政策、 system dynamics, and environmental management.

    M.A.E.S.Program Basics

    Complete in under 2 Years

    36 credits

    100% onlineor hybrid

    The M.A. in Environmental Sustainability & Management (M.A.E.S.) is a graduate program for busy professionals who want to:

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    The Strength of a Master of Arts

    An Innovative Approach

    Flexibility is Key

    Learn from Environmental Leaders

    Customize Your Degree


    Your Future is Greener

    Why Choose Goucher?

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      现在观看:“在更大的范围内,我的教育范围扩大了."  - Ashley Pritchard '19 | M.A. in Environmental Studies

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      现在观看:“这就是我现在喜欢我的课程的原因,它们非常现实. 我们谈论现实世界的问题以及如何解决它们."  - Julia Erbe '17 | M.A. in Environmental Studies

    Goucher Grad in Nepal

    云顶集团为美国的研究生提供出国留学的可选机会 the M.A. in Environmental Sustainability & Management (M.A.E.S.) program, the M.A. in Cultural Sustainability (M.A.C.S.) program, and the M.A. in Historic Preservation (M.A.H.P.) program.  在尼泊尔探险两周的同时获得大学学分 丰富的生物多样性,雄伟的喜马拉雅山脉,独特的文化,变革性的遗产 地点和适应不断变化的环境.

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