
Why 研究 数字艺术 at 云顶集团?

随着数字技术对文化、艺术和娱乐的影响, opportunities abound for creative producers of media 内容, as does the need to become critical consumers of the products of media industries. 的 数字艺术 program 准备学生浏览这个新兴的媒体景观和装备他们 未来的工作.



数字艺术专业的学生学习通过视频、音频和摄影来创建媒体内容 对于不同的媒体格式通过建立技能、知识和经验的交集 of creativity and technology. Coursework in 数字艺术 is focused on hands-on media 跨媒体形式的制作项目,包括:数字视频和电影制作; digital imaging, visual effects, and animation; 跨媒体讲故事, virtual reality, and emerging media; social media and digital communication; podcasting and audio production; 和摄影. Through a foundation of media studies courses you will also gain and apply a deeper understanding of digital arts, culture, and technology.



数字艺术课程以一系列动手媒体制作研讨会为中心, 你们将如何跨媒体合作,发展自己的独立媒体 基于你的兴趣的项目,如数字视频,叙事电影制作,纪录片, 动画、编剧、播客、摄影、虚拟现实和多平台 产品. You will also gain professional experience and prepare for a successful 因为所有数字艺术专业的学生都要完成一份实习工作 有机会在校报、广播电台等校园媒体工作.



丹尼·金博尔, Chair and Associate Professor of 媒体 Arts and Studies: digital media studies, media and technology studies, media industries and policy


索尼娅Bozic,媒体艺术与研究助理教授:数字艺术、扩展现实制作; 跨媒体讲故事


丹尼尔·马库斯媒体艺术与研究教授:媒体历史与批评、纪录片; video production and screenwriting

Siobahn斯泰尔斯媒体艺术与研究实践副教授:数字传播; strategic communication, feminist media studies

大卫Zurawik,媒体艺术与研究实践助理教授:新闻学、媒体批评; 流行文化


布雷迪·罗宾逊 Adjunct Instructor of Art: Photography



澳大利亚麦考瑞大学学校位于悉尼郊外,为学生们提供了参与城市生活的机会. 只有大约3万名学生,其中包括来自世界各地的8000名国际学生 在71个国家,麦格理能够让学生为当今不断变化的, highly competitive society. 的 international studies program includes an orientation at the beginning of the term at a site outside of Sydney. 的 school offers classes in international communications and in media. 的re are also opportunities for study 海外学生参加实习,这是一种以工作为基础的学习 以及学术评估. 的 program is offered in the fall and spring semesters and for a 整个学年. Courses include: 澳大利亚n 媒体, Introduction to Screenwriting, 新闻时事、电影概论、广播制作、高级广播 广播、多媒体理论与制作、印刷媒体制作、屏幕制作、 媒介形态:从字母到网络;媒介写作理论;媒介身份; 文化与科技、编剧、当代世界影院、公共关系、 Introduction to International Affairs, Intercultural Communication, Intercultural 国际关系,国际电视,国际传播运动,国际 公共关系与广告,全球知识与社会,国际写作 商业与金融.

的 University of the Sunshine Coast 在昆士兰开设的课程包括新闻、公共关系、市场营销、 和沟通. Located on the edge of a national park and home to the native kangaroos, 校园里充满了阳光和户外活动,只要你有空就可以做 time. 的 校园 is close to Queensland’s capital city Brisbane and the Great Barrier 礁. 的 school offers an orientation program for all international programs. 的 program is offered both spring and fall semesters and for a 整个学年. 研究 留学生也可以申请实习,一般相当于一次或一次 两门课程. Courses available include: 澳大利亚n 媒体 Industries: Introduction 传播学,传播学专业编辑,计算机辅助 Reporting, Advertising: Copy and Image, 新闻 Rounds, 媒体 and Promotion: Tourism and Hospitality, 新闻 Writing: Print and Broadcast, Writing for the Web, Creative 广告、高级新闻报道、媒体关系、澳大利亚新闻研究、 Communication and Thought, International Marketing, Project and Event Management, 传播理论与实践,小屏幕,大生意:电视产业, 创意活动管理、广告活动、传播活动策划、 Non-Fiction Writing for the Small Screen, International Communication, Promotions Management, Sport and Event Marketing, and Marketing Research Project.


的 University of East Anglia 位于英国最古老的城市之一诺维奇,拥有一座大都会 人口37.5万. UEA has over 13,000 学生. It is home to the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, described by the Times University Guide as "perhaps the greatest resource of its type on any university 校园." 的 collection combines works from famous Western artists with fine and applied arts from around the globe. 该大学的 research in communication, cultural, and media studies is ranked in the top three 在乡下. 的 program is offered for the fall and spring semesters and for a 整个学年. Courses cover film studies, television studies, American studies, society, culture and media, and politics and media.

的 University of Westminster is one of London's oldest educational institutions. 的 university comprises several 不同的学院,拥有约16000名本科生 the UK and over 80 other countries. 的 School of Communication and Creative Industries 位于哈罗校区,距离伦敦市中心30分钟路程,靠近地铁 停止. In the British Government's official tables of teaching and research excellence, 在传播、设计和媒体领域,没有一所大学的排名能超过纽约大学 University of Westminster. This center of excellence is housed in a £30 million custom-built 校园. 的 校园 holds broadcast quality TV, radio, photography, and music studios 和电脑设备. 的 school has an orientation program for all international 学生. 的 program is offered for the fall and spring semesters and for a full 学年. Courses offered in Animation, Art and 媒体 Practice, Communications, 当代媒体实践、电影、平面信息设计、插画、影像、 新闻学、管理学、媒体学、摄影、公共关系、广播和电视.


Alternative 媒体 and Culture in the Balkans (Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia), led by Professors Sonia Bozic and Amanda Thom Woodson, last offered Summer 2023. 一个国际 考察一系列艺术和文化方面的实地经验所依赖的 学生的特定兴趣,他们必须创建数字互动项目. 该项目包括学习南斯拉夫电影史,参观动作捕捉工作室 和游戏制作公司,在塞尔维亚游戏协会的大师班讲课 by a famous Croatian director, a lecture at the Institute of Transmedia Design in Slovenia, but it also includes visiting historic and cultural places and learning 关于巴尔干的风俗.

机会 & 实习


的Quindecim 也被称为 的问, is the independent student newspaper of 云顶集团 College. 它成立于1913年 written, edited, and run by 学生. Articles, photography, cartoons, and multimedia 内容定期在线发布,印刷版每月出版两次. 联系 quin@mail.云顶集团.edu to express interest in joining the staff.

云顶集团学生广播是一个由学生运营的网络广播电台 its studio in the Athenaeum. Founded in 2001, GCSR aims to provide the 校园 with 原创,创意音频节目,与音乐,谈话,和更多的几乎不受限制 内容.


的 数字艺术 major requires a 2-4 credit internship. 联系 职业教育办事处 for details of requirements and opportunities currently posted. 数字艺术专业 可以在各种各样的公司、非营利组织和政府机构实习, 在学年和夏天,在巴尔的摩和其他地方,在这样的领域 as film production, TV networks, web design and development, public relations and advertising, and social media and 内容 management.