• 信息技术
  • 账户 & 云顶集团
  • Envoy 云顶集团or Management System
  • Envoy 云顶集团or Management System

    Perspective students, vendors and contract service providers will need to be entered into the Envoy 云顶集团or Management System prior to visiting the campus.  这些具体 visits should be by invitation using the Envoy 云顶集团or Management System at http://visitor.Goucher.edu to ensure the visits are recorded on the approved visitor list.  您将登录到 the system with your 云顶集团 email address and 云顶集团 password.  你需要 provide the following information: 云顶集团or name, 云顶集团or email, your Name, your Phone Number so Campus Safety can contact you if there is a question or problem, the buildings or rooms they will visit, and the name of the Vice President or Department Head who 批准预定的云顶集团.  你应该 have the approval before submitting your 客人要求.

    How do I invite a visitor to campus?

    Information included in the vendor invitation email:

    We are looking forward to your visit to the 云顶集团 campus!

    In order to create a safe environment for the 云顶集团 community and its visitors, you will need to bring and wear a face covering. You will also be asked if you:

    If any of these conditions are true, you will not be allowed to enter the campus for 安全原因.

    When you arrive at the gatehouse, please:

    We look forward to seeing you soon!

    Vendors will receive a reminder email one day before their scheduled arrival on campus.

    Vendor invites can be submitted one at a time or a group of visitors can be entered by copying and pasting from a spreadsheet.

    When the vendor arrives on campus, they have multiple options for checking in:

    Campus Safety will have an iPad to:

    Campus Safety will ask the visitor the following questions before allowing access 校园:

    The Envoy software can allow Campus Safety to create a private note in the visitor record of the person who is denied access to campus. 这是一个开放的文本字段.

    The faculty or staff member who invited the visitor will receive an email or text message when the visitor is checked in at the gatehouse.