• 学习无处不在
  • 研究生课程
  • 教育
  • M.A.T.
  • 学习目标 & 结果
  • 项目的目标 & 学习成果



    1. GPE001: Knowledge - Theory: 云顶集团 knowledge of psychological and educational theory, 与专业或认证领域相关的研究和/或哲学.
    2. GPE002: Knowledge - Assessments: Demonstrate understanding and use of the types of 适合专业或认证领域的评估.
    3. GPE003:知识-目的:确定教育在社会中的目的,并成为 able to analyze why things happen in the educational community and/or in the political 围绕教育的社区.
    4. GPE004: Knowledge - Diversity: Demonstrate knowledge of concepts related to diversity, and the interaction between concepts related to diversity and the area of specialization 或认证.
    5. GPE005: Skills - Theory: Demonstrate the ability to incorporate theory and research 进入与专业领域相关的实践.
    6. GPE006:技能-数据:展示收集和使用适当数据的能力 与专业领域相关的问题分析和决策数据.
    7. GPE007:技能-解决问题:运用解决问题/批判性思维策略 适合于专业领域.
    8. GPE008: Skills - Reflection: Use reflective practice with在专业领域.
    9. GPE009: Skills - Communication: Demonstrate effective communication and presentation 与专业领域相关的技能.
    10. GPE010:技能-技术:使用各种适合工作的技术 在专业领域.
    11. GPE011:性格-服务:展示对社会的服务.
    12. GPE012: Dispositions - Diversity: Demonstrate positive dispositions toward diversity 和股票.
    13. GPE013: Dispositions - Professionalism: Demonstrate professionalism in one’s demeanor, 行为、行为、决策以及与同事的互动.


    1. MAT001:马里兰学习成果/核心学习目标/IEP:实习生的长期和 short-range plans include the Maryland 学习成果/Core 学习目标/IEP goals, 教师的目标和学生的成绩.
    2. MAT002:对内容的理解:实习生表现出对内容的理解 the content underlying a discipline(s) and accurately plans that content (declarative 和程序知识).
    3. MAT003: Understanding of Developmental Nature: 实习生 plans long- and short-range 单元/课程表现出对学生发展本质的理解.
    4. MAT004: Understanding of Diversity: 实习生’s plans show an understanding of the 学生的不同需求、关注点、能力和兴趣.
    5. MAT005: Student Behavior: Student behavior is managed so as to result in the maximum 学生参与富有成效的学习经验的时间量.
    6. MAT006: Time Management: Time is managed to allow for maximum time on successful learning 经历.
    7. MAT007:环境:实习生创造了一个鼓励学习的环境.
    8. MAT008: Enthusiasm: In creating a climate that encourages learning, the intern demonstrates 对学习的热情和对学生的敏感.
    9. MAT009:多样化的教学策略:使用多样化的教学策略来帮助学生 学生培养积极的态度和观念(DOL 1).
    10. MAT010: Knowledge Acquisition and Integration (2): Diverse teaching strategies are used to help students acquire and integrate knowledge (DOL 2) as correlated with local 系统课程或个人教育计划.
    11. MAT011:扩展和完善知识:使用不同的教学策略来帮助 students extend and refine knowledge (DOL 3) as correlated with local system curriculum 或个人教育计划.
    12. MAT012: Knowledge Application: Diverse teaching strategies are used to help students use and apply knowledge meaningfully (DOL 4) as correlated with local system curriculum 或个人教育计划.
    13. MAT013: Productive Habits: Diverse teaching strategies are used to help students apply productive habits of mind (DOL 5) to learn local system curriculum or the goals and 个人教育计划的目标.
    14. MAT014: Lesson Structure: The structure of lessons is logical and coherent; lessons 作为更大的教学和发展背景的一部分发挥作用.
    15. MAT015: Materials and Technologies: Appropriate materials and technologies are chosen 支持学生的技能水平、需求、背景和兴趣. 的材料 and technologies are organized for efficient use by students and include both print 以及非印刷资源,包括计算机技术和操作工具. (在 end of the internship, Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers for Technology competencies are 完成.)
    16. MAT016: Variety of Strategies: The effective intern uses a variety of strategies to accommodate and differentiate identified student needs, strengths, cultural attributes, 语言和学习方式.
    17. MAT017:残疾学生:实习生展示有效的指导 在学术和社会方面有残疾的学生. 使用适当的动机 技术和教学策略/适应,以满足个体差异 是显而易见的.
    18. MAT018:适当的作业:作业是适合学习者的 related to a lesson’s objective, and are a productive use of the learner’s time for 对新知识的实践和对旧知识的复习. 作业帮助学生 将以前的知识转化为新的知识.
    19. MAT019:提问的艺术:实习生精通提问的艺术. 实习生 根据教学目的使用不同类型的问题. 正在进行的 重点放在培养学生高阶思维能力的问题上 扩展和完善他们的知识库.
    20. MAT020:进度评估:学生进度的评估是基于 教学目的. 实习生用来评估的工具和技术 学生是适合学生和教师的教学目标.
    21. MAT021: Further Planning and Teaching: 实习生 uses the results of assessing student 完成目标,包括学生的反馈,作为进一步的手段 策划与教学.
    22. MAT022: Informal Assessment: 实习生 demonstrates competent development and utilization 非正式的评估测量和使用的结果,以确定进展 以及未来对学生的指导.
    23. MAT023: Special 教育 Formal Assessment: 实习生 demonstrates competent administration 正式的个人评估测量和/或利用的结果 协助诊断学生的特殊需要(只限特殊教育学生).
    24. MAT024:特殊教育评估报告:实习生撰写评估报告 providing background information, describing a student’s current levels of functioning, and prescribing appropriate educational and behavioral interventions to address the 学生需要(只适用于特殊教育学生).
    25. MAT025: Special 教育 Goal Setting: 实习生 develops realistic individual goals and objectives based on assessment information to meet the special needs of students (只适用于特殊教育学生).
    26. MAT026: Communications with 首页: 实习生 maintains effective communications with 促进积极的家庭与学校关系.
    27. MAT027: Collaboration with Others: 实习生 works collaboratively with his/her mentors 以及主管,以及学校内外的其他专业人士 发展有效的伙伴关系.
    28. MAT028: Reflection: 实习生 demonstrates reflection, as well as effective coping 以及解决冲突的技能,以处理专业问题和问题.
    29. MAT029: Professional Development: 实习生 accepts and uses feedback in a positive 促进其职业发展的态度.
    30. MAT030: Ethical and Honest Behavior: 实习生 maintains ethical and honest behavior and is sensitive to issues of confidentiality and follows all state and local legal 的指导方针.


    1. MDTECH001:标准1,信息获取、评价、处理和云顶集团: 有效地获取、评估和处理信息. 云顶集团信息 准确、恰当.
    2. MDTECH002: Standard 2, Communication: Use technology to exchange information and interact 与他人进行有效和适当的电子交流. 有效利用科技 并适当地以各种格式交流信息.
    3. MDTECH003: Standard 3, Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues: Demonstrate an understanding 与技术相关的法律、社会和伦理问题.
    4. MDTECH004: Standard 4, Assessment for Administration and Instruction: Use information 分析问题并制定解决方案的技术.
    5. MDTECH005:标准5,将技术融入课程和教学: 设计、实施和评估 learning 经历 that incorporate technology in the 提供与课程相关的教学活动. 设计、实施和评估 learning 经历 that incorporate student use of technology to support inquiry, 解决问题,沟通和/或协作.
    6. MDTECH006: Standard 6, Assistive Technology: Understand human, equity, and development issues surrounding the use of assistive technology to enhance student learning performance 并将这种理解运用到实践中.
    7. MDTECH007: Standard 7, Professional Growth: Analyze the use of emerging technologies 改善教与学. 培养支持持续学习的思维习惯 以及技术的专业发展.

