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  • 研究生课程
  • M.A. 文化可持续发展
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  • M.A.C.S. 常见问题

    我需要什么资格申请M.A.C.S. 以及我如何申请?

    Admission to the 程序 is granted to selected applicants who demonstrate a clear understanding of what cultural sustainability means to them, good communication skills, 在自主研究生学习中取得成功. 学生的公民或居住 in other countries must have the ability to function successfully in English. 云顶集团程序 每年录取两次,分别在四月和十月.


    Do I need to take the GRE or other graduate-level entrance exam for admission to the 程序?

    No. We do not require GRE scores, though if you would like to submit them with your 申请,你可以. 我们的录取是基于过去的学术历史,你的论文, 你的总体目标.

    Can I begin the 程序 in the middle of the school year, without attending a residency?

    No. New-Student Orientation and some of the core prerequisite classes are offered each semester so a student can begin a course of study either in late summer or January.


    Cultural sustainability is an interdisciplinary field focused on actively identifying, protecting, and enhancing cultural traditions through activism, fieldwork, academic 奖学金,草根交流. 我们提倡以行动为导向的信念 在文化公平方面. 利用文化和云顶集团人类学、民俗学、 ethnomusicology, history, communications, cultural tourism, and other traditionally separate disciplines we encourage communities to consider, "What is it that matters 最适合你的社区?然后根据他们的反应采取行动. 文化,传统, and communities we try to sustain could be any we actively and passionately care about: a neighborhood, an occupation, an art form, a skill, a village, a city, an ethnic group, a religious or spiritual group, a tribe, or any other community with shared 传统与价值观.

    How does cultural sustainability fit in with other kinds of sustainability issues-economic, 环境和社会?

    Cultural sustainability encompasses all of these pillars of sustainability, and works to raise awareness, to preserve, and to bring cultural equity through change if necessary-in 很多相同的方式. 然而,当单独考虑时,这些领域中的每一个都遗漏了 the important component of people and their relationship to each other and the world 在他们周围. We can only affect real global change for the environment, our economic well-being, and the good of society if we understand and build on the strong cultural 我们已经有了基础. 抵制过度开发和中产阶级化的社区, villages facing environmental degradation, ethnic groups confronted with the loss of their traditions or language-none of these groups will be able to come together in common cause to protect what is valuable to them and the world without a new pillar 对可持续性的关注并不是那么狭隘.


    Our degree 程序, while academically rigorous, is intended for those who wish to 走进这个世界,做出真正的、实际的改变. 任何对职业感兴趣的人 in community organizing, cultural tourism, intangible cultural heritage management, grassroots activism, policymaking or advocacy, nonprofit administration or communications, writing or storytelling, public folklore, service work, teaching, social justice, or other issues affecting the world today can benefit from this degree. 目前这些 working in nonprofits, who seek to make a change upward or outward in their careers, will benefit from the tools we offer and from the certification of the master's degree. Those just out of college, looking for the next big step in their lives, will benefit from entering the job market with a master's degree in an area that is quickly becoming 被认为对可持续发展运动至关重要. 我们的毕业生将是未来 directors of nonprofits, community and labor organizers, communicators and activists, 教师和各种各样的变革推动者.


    The Goucher faculty are distinguished leaders in the fields of Cultural Advocacy, Leadership, Ethnography, Folklore, Arts Administration, Economics, Oral History, and 博物馆研究. 他们来自全国各地,带来了丰富的经验 这对学生来说是无价的. 所有的教职员工在M.A.C.S. 目前的项目 working in their chosen fields so they bring both practical experience and a network 专业人士对我们的学生. 基于云顶集团本科的研究生课程 strengths and institutional mission include the same close interaction with faculty 这是云顶集团教育的基石. 云顶集团坚信这一点的重要性 of staying connected to the world outside campus through community action, intercultural awareness, and international exploration is in clear evidence throughout the curriculum 我们的文化可持续发展硕士项目.

    M.A.C.S. 教师


    Both residency and online classes are small (6 - 20 people) and interactive. 学生 often work in small groups and there is consistent engagement with faculty.


    Goucher is an independent, selective, coeducational liberal arts college located on 287英亩美丽的土地就在巴尔的摩市北部. 云顶集团的招生人数超过 本科生1400人,研究生1200人. 它成立于1885年,并获得认证 美国中部大学和学校协会. 云顶集团的作品种类繁多 of undergraduate majors, and all undergraduates are required to participate in at least one international study 程序, testing and enhancing classroom learning through 真实的,第一手的世界经验.


    学生在居住期间负责自己的住房. 午餐和晚餐 will be provided in the dining hall as part of the room and board fee. 学生们 full access to Goucher's campus, including an excellent food-service, library, and 体育设施. 校园提供各种设施,包括健身房、游泳池 游泳池和远足小径. 步行到餐厅、商店、杂货店也很方便 商店和电影院.


    If possible, students should plan to bring their laptops to campus during the residency. 学生 will also want to have a camera (cell phone is sufficient) for documenting 我们的实地考察活动等.



    Most students take three years to complete the required 42 credit hours to graduate. However, a student could take 6 credits during the residency session and 6 credits during the online session to complete all but their 6-credit Capstone in three semesters. 学生 are encouraged to complete their Capstone over two semesters. 学生必须 take at least one course per semester, and have a maximum of five years in which to 完成所有要求. 全职工作的学生通常会带打火机 load.

    这个项目要花多少钱? 有经济资助吗?

    云顶集团米.A.C.S. 学生有资格申请联邦学生贷款 助学金及奖学金.

    学费 & 金融援助



    联络我们 e-mail 或拨打800-697-4646.