• 学习无处不在
  • 出国留学
  • 学生身份
  • 留学中的学生身份问题

    云顶集团 College is committed to providing study 在国外 programs that meet the 需要 and interests of our diverse population of students. 全球教育办公室 现在与 多样性在国外, and we offer confidential advising for students who have questions and concerns 关于留学与个人身份的关系. 我们鼓励所有的学生来参观 the following sites and speak with an Office of 全球教育 advisor to learn 更多关于个人身份和留学. 你能做的最好的事就是 concerned about your own diversity while studying 在国外 is to research your host country and familiarize yourself with the country's culture, history, and laws.

    种族 & 种族问题

    For many students, studying 在国外 provides a new lense through which they are able to view their race or ethnicity as part of their identity. 然而,它可能具有挑战性 to live for the first time in a country where you are an ethnic or racial majority or minority depending on where your host country is located. 此外,它还可以 be jarring to experience ethnic or racial views that in America are generally seen as racist but reflect the values of your host country. 通常,作为一个学习的学生 在国外, you are seen as American first and a member of your racial or ethnic background 第二个. 学习ing how to navigate these nuances is part of why studying 在国外 is so important and should not deter you from embarking on this journey. 记住,不同的 attitudes exist wherever you go regardless of your ethnic or racial background. 做 research on your host country can help prepare you for what to expect while living 在你的东道国. 查看下面的资源 找到更多信息的链接.


    • I am a racial or ethnic majority in America, but will I be a racial or ethnic minority 在国外? 反之亦然?
    • What are the attitudes of the natives in my host country about my race or ethnicity? 我可能成为种族主义或阶级歧视的目标吗? 还是我也会受到同样的待遇 就像我在美国一样?
    • What is the history of race and ethnicity in my host country? 什么是法律和 关于种族和民族的社会价值观?


    LGBTQIA +身份

    When studying 在国外 it is important to be aware that the places you visit can be more or less liberal than what you are used to at home. 法律和对……的态度 sexual orientation and different lifestyles vary from country to country. 在一些 countries it may be illegal, culturally unaccepted, or even dangerous to come out, but in others being out may be supported and accepted. 你能做的最好的事就是 to thoroughly research your host country before leaving. 查看下面的资源 找到更多信息的链接.



    • If the country I am studying 在国外 in does not accept my identity, how will this impact my overall experience 在国外 and my self-identity?
        • 什么是法律和 legal rights surrounding my identity? 社会期望是什么 和规范?
        • Does the housing the program provides suit my 需要? 如果住在寄宿家庭 will I choose to come out to them before I arrive or feel out the situation first?
        • If I utilize health or counseling services at home will I have access to these resources 在国外?
        • If your legal sex is different than the way you self identify, or if you are in the process of a transition, what kinds of things might you need 要想成功 在国外? What types of challenges might you face with travel, immigration, and other documents?




    In the wise words of Jennifer from the University of Minnesota, "Don't expect anything, 做好应对一切的准备.“一些国家或主办大学会 not recognize learning or physical differences or have the capacity to accommodate 他们和美国一样.S. 大学——然而,有些会. 一定要彻底调查 your host university and program to get details about the kinds of accommodations they have so you can advocate for yourself and make sure the program will allow you 要想成功. If you are living with a disability the advisors in the Office of 全球教育 are happy to help you research and find a program that will fit your 需要. 查看下面的资源 找到更多信息的链接.



    •  How will my university and host country accommodate my 需要?
        • Have you contacted 云顶集团’s study 在国外 office to make sure your program can help 你成功了? 你和ACE谈过了吗?
        • How does my host country treat people who are living with disabilities? 什么权利 and laws are in place to accommodate those living with disabilities?
        • What might I need to stay safe and to help me as I travel 在国外?



    Religion and culture are often intertwined in many countries around the world. It can be a wonderfully eye opening experience to learn about and experience a different 宗教和与之相关的仪式. 这个过程可能会让你反思 你自己的信仰体系. It is important to research the religious beliefs of your host country, but also to especially keep an open mind. 查看下面的资源 找到更多信息的链接.



        • 我打算在国外从事宗教活动吗?
        • How much do I know about the belief system in my host country?
        • Do I share a the dominant religion of my host country? 如果是这样,这对我们意味着什么 my experience and if not, what do I need to be mindful of?
        • What is the attitude of my host country towards other religions?
        • Are there specific laws regarding religion in my host country? 是政府和 宗教分离?
        • Will I have access to my religion’s place of worship or religious groups? 如果不是什么 这意味着我的宗教活动吗?
        • Will my host country be able to accommodate my religious dietary restrictions?
