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  • Title IX FAQ

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Updated August 14, 2020

    Why are we changing our policies now?

    The United States Department of Education’s issued new Title IX (TIX) Regulations,于2020年5月19日发布,85 FR 30026,要求对学院的TIX政策进行更改 and procedures. These changes must be implemented by August 14, 2020. In response 为此,书院委任工作小组草拟临时政策 that are compliant with the new regulations. While we would have preferred to have 这一过程中的社区投入、2019冠状病毒病的破坏和复杂性 新规定要求学院召集一个小型工作小组 在需要的时间内遵守学院的政策和程序.

    Will there be an opportunity for community input?

    Yes. 这些政策是临时政策,学院将召开新的工作会议 小组将代表云顶集团社区-学生,教师和 staff to review the interim policies. There will also be a community comment period 在此期间,社区成员将能够在政策出台之前提供反馈 and procedures are finalized.

    What are the changes to Goucher’s policy?

    教育部缩小了第九条新规定的行为范围 法规适用,并包括有关处理正式的新要求 TIX complaint process. Goucher’s policies changed in significant ways:

    1. 尽管学院将继续禁止与目前相同类型的行为 但是,只有有限范围的此类行为将受到新的TIX程序的约束, 这需要现场听证并对当事人和证人进行交叉询问.
    2. 不属于新规则管辖范围的行为将被处理 一个比现行政策更有力的调查程序,但不会包括 a live hearing and cross-examination.
    3. 由于这些变化,学院正在实施新的临时制度 Sexual Misconduct Policy, and two procedures 解释了第九条投诉流程,以及如何处理非第九条投诉.


    Yes. All staff and faculty are subject to the mandates of this policy.

    What about Goucher’s consent policy? Has it been changed?

    No. 学院将在秋季成立一个新的工作小组来审查目前的 同意政策和关于同意政策的研究在我们的同行机构中 state of Maryland. The working group will make a recommendation if the policy may be revised. 如果工作组提出了这一建议,同意政策将会 be part of the community comment period.

    Has the evidentiary standard changed?

    No. 云顶集团仍然使用证据优势标准来确定责任 under the policy, i.e., the decision-makers are required to determine whether it is more likely than not that sexual misconduct occurred.

    Are Goucher’s interim policies and procedures final?

    No. 这些政策和程序将一直有效到2020年秋季的最终确定过程 or if there are any new federal regulations issued. Goucher will remain in compliance 遵守所有联邦和州法律,同时保证学生的安全.

    云顶集团还会为那些经历过这些事件的学生提供支持措施吗 of sexual or related misconduct?

    Yes. 一旦信息被披露给第九条办公室,该办公室将发挥作用 配合校园伙伴提供所需的辅助措施,确保安全 of the reporting party.

    What are supportive measures?

    支持措施是非纪律性和非惩罚性的,可能不是不合理的 在未查明被禁止行为的责任时,加重被申请人的负担 by the policy. 第九条协调员负责发放支持 measures. Supportive measures include, but are not limited to:

    • Counseling
    • Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments
    • Modifications of work or class schedules
    • Campus escort services
    • Restrictions on contact between the parties (no contact orders)
    • Changes in work or housing locations
    • Leaves of absence
    • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus

    Who can receive supportive measures?

    Reporters and 被调查者有权获得学院的支持措施.

    What does it mean for a person to violate supportive measures?

    如果一个人故意违反支持性措施,那就是学校的命令 official, e.g.,禁止接触令,该个人将根据 学生行为准则或纪律根据就业政策和程序.

    Will others be made aware of my supportive measures?

    实施的任何支持性措施都是保密的,除非 这样做会损害学院提供支持措施的能力. For example, 为完成房屋变更,将通知住宿生活部的工作人员协助 with a housing change as directed by the Office of Title IX. Details of the complaint are not shared.

    第九条协调员办公室在这段时间内会继续工作吗 remote operations?

    在此期间,第九条办公室将继续为大学社区服务 of remote learning. 办公室操作是远程的,符合学院的指示 and measures, which took effect on March 16, 2020.

    Can I still make reports of sexual or related violence?

    Yes. 如果你或你认识的人经历过任何形式的性暴力或相关暴力 or prohibited discrimination, you are encouraged to report it. You can report via email at titleixcoordinator@hzjly.net. 收到报告后,第九条办公室的一名代表将作出回应 并可以安排与您远程见面,通过视频聊天或电话. The College’s 政策赋予学院管辖权,以报告被禁止的行为,而不是 不仅是校内行为,也包括校外违反政策的行为, 如果这种行为可能对云顶集团的任何成员产生实质性的不利影响 College community. Depending on where the conduct occurred, however, the procedures used to adjudicate it may differ.

    学院会否继续提供其他支援及协助,例如保密服务 大学资源,咨询和SALI(性侵犯法律研究所)?

    我们正在与其他提供资源和支持服务的学院办公室合作 to maximize availability and continuity while in remote status. College services are available remotely. Please contact us at titleixcoordinator@hzjly.net 如果您在远程保护所需的资源和服务时遇到困难. 我们也鼓励你联系任何支持服务,你目前是 connected to see if they are providing services remotely. Information about support 报告方和回应方的服务可在第九条网站上找到.

    What if I have other questions not answered here?

    Please feel free to contact us at titleixcoordinator@hzjly.net. 我们将继续监测情况,并根据需要更新这些常见问题解答 to changes in the College’s directive and measures.